Purchase eggs: $8 per dozen or $5 for six. Call, text, email, or use our contact form.

Delivery can be arranged or you can come out, pick up your eggs and meet the hens who lay them.

Meet Our Birds

We have 20 breeds of chickens, guinea fowl, and two pekin ducks.

Our chicken journey

Summer of 2021 our oldest son and I came home with four Rhode Island Red chickens, after just three months on the farm. We built this coop as a family while I was 6.5 months pregnant. It’s a raised 4’ x 8’ with an attached 8’ x 4’ x 5.5’ run. A couple months later we came home with another (unanticipated) 10 pullets! Nine months pregnant at this point, I was not about to build another coop. So, we purchased a 6’ x 8’ coop and expanded the run so that all of the chickens could mingle and decide where to sleep on their own. Initially, they split up- the reds in the coop we built and the new chickens in the purchased coop. As temperatures dropped they all started sleeping in the larger, purchased coop (of course).

We have automatic pop doors that let the chickens into their run at daylight, and then as soon as we get up to check on them in the morning, we open the door to their run so they can forage freely. This is wonderful! It is so fun watching them explore and learn to come when you call them for treats. Until… they started crossing the road to hang out under some pine trees and forage around the construction site of a new home.

As we continued to envision and plan for the farm, we realized the many benefits to moving the entire chicken set-up to the other side of the house, further from the road. So, right before our first giant snow storm, with the help of some wonderful friends and family, we moved the full run and the purchased coop. The snow beat us before we could move the coop we built. We plan to move it in the spring and will try to use that as a brooding coop for our little chickies.

Here we are now, everyone is getting used to the set-up and as our hens continue to mature we are getting more eggs than ever.

If you are interested in hearing more about our coop building or the plans for our coop, feel free to reach out.