We are! - Winter 2022

What’s growing? We are!

I’m Emma and with the support of my amazing family, I am starting this small farm business.

First a little about us: My husband and I met during our time in the Peace Corps in eSwatini. We both absolutely loved it. We lived with families who embraced and supported us during our service and taught us about life there. While I was there something took root- the pace of life, the community focus, getting back to basics (in some ways). After being back, going through a graduate program, getting married, working my dream job, starting a family, I realized something was still out of sync for me. So, Matt and I talked and decided to start looking at making a move where we could have a little more control in the priorities of our lives- resetting our pace, connecting with our community, and living a constant reminder of what we need and what is extra. This brought us to Comeback Hill.

We now have 13.5 acres in Plum, PA (near Pittsburgh), two kids, two dogs, 14 chickens, and 3 cats, 27 apple trees, two blueberry bushes, a garden, and lots of dreams. In the coming year we plan to add at least one bee hive, some sheep- to help with the grass, a larger garden, more blueberries, and a wildflower pasture. We will sell from the farm along the way to our next business dream which includes a CSA subscription format, but instead of focusing on produce the subscription will get you an invitation to our seasonal events. A chance to immerse yourself in farm life for a day, or just enjoy good food, good people, and a little space in the country. I anticipate having memberships available in the next year or so. I will continue to post here (and maybe on instagram and tiktok?) as we grow our farm.